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Crafting Worship Together


In addition to congregational singing, there are numerous opportunities to help provide music at Grace. The choirs regularly lead music for worship and offer special programs. There are also opportunities for solo singing, or one-time special service choirs. Instrumentalists also play an important part in the music ministry by providing preludes, postludes, choir and hymn accompaniments and other service music. If you would like to share your gifts in any of these ways, please contact Music Director Suzanne Daniel at music@GraceChurchYorktown.org or 757/593-2358.


Volunteers to this ministry provide support to the Clergy at all Sunday services as well as special services. In addition to the reading of the Scriptures and prayers, they assist in administering the Eucharist. All ages, including youth, are invited to participate in this important part of the service. Training is required. Please call the office, 757-898-3261, for more information


Acolytes are an integral part of the worship team, participating as attendants to the clergy (Servers and Gospel bearers), Torchbearers and other roles to assist the clergy and congregation in their worship experience. The role of the Acolyte has its roots in the Old Testament. There the prophet Samuel is seen serving the priest, Eli (1 Samuel 2:18 – 21). Children that can follow instructions and sit still during a service (usually 8 and older), youth, and adults are encouraged to join this sacred ministry. Training is provided. Please contact Diana Mason-Smelt at dleemason@gmail.com for more information.

Flower Ministry

This ministry creates arrangements for the Altar each week, as well as coordinates festive arrangements throughout the church sanctuary and Parish Hall during the Christmas and Easter seasons. New members are always welcome and can work alongside more experienced members. The Flower Ministry leader is Betsy Taylor. Reach her through the church office, 757-898-3261.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild sets up altars in the Parish Hall and historic Church for services on Wednesdays and Sundays. In addition to these weekly staples, the Altar Guild attends to numerous special services throughout our campus, and sometimes even off-site. They handle the entire spectrum of worship services – from joyous events (weddings, baptisms, Blessing of the Animals, etc.), to the sorrowful and somber (funerals and memorial services). Everything they do is handled with respect and compassion. Rose Field is now the Altar Guild chair. You may contact her at rosemfield@gmail.com or by phone at 757-876-4515.


The Ushers are a vital part of our Sunday mornings, as they are the “Prayer Traffic Controllers.” The users are divided into teams – one for each service. Dave O’Brien is the head usher. All ushers pitch in for special services and for additional Christmas and Easter services. Ushers are responsible for greeting parishioners, distributing bulletins, helping people find seating, collecting the offertory, controlling the flow of parishioners receiving the Eucharist and generally providing direction to newcomers, visitors or anyone needing assistance. Learn more about this opportunity by contacting Dave O’Brien, dlobrien61@gmail.com.