Memorial Day Prayer Service

Memorial Day Prayer Service

Join us in the historic church for a Memorial Day prayer service to honor those who have died in service to the country. After the service, you are invited to the churchyard where the names of all military veterans at rest in the Grace cemetery will be read.
Pentecost Picnic

Pentecost Picnic

Celebrate Pentecost with us after our second worship service. We’ll provide the fried chicken and drinks; you bring a side or dessert to share. Weather permitting, we’ll gather in the churchyard. If weather doesn’t cooperate, we’ll be in the...
Pentecost Sunday Holy Eucharist Rite II

Pentecost Sunday Holy Eucharist Rite II

Join us in worship on Pentecost Sunday at a Rite II Holy Eucharist service in our historic church. This service is slightly less formal than our 8 a.m. service and features more music and, often, our choir. Nursery service is available during this service for children...
VBS: Abundant Life Garden Project

VBS: Abundant Life Garden Project

Grace will host a weeklong Vacation Bible School with the theme of “Abundant Life Garden Project” this year. Abundant Life Garden Project, which is offered by the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund, is a flexible program centered around Creation Care...
Holy Eucharist Rite I

Holy Eucharist Rite I

Join us for worship in the historic church. This Rite I service is a bit more formal than our 10:15 a.m. service, but also features music. Typically this service concludes by 9 a.m.